Wednesday, May 18, 2011

End of Year Party!

WHEW! It has been a LONG week of testing already. I just needed something, anything to get my mind off assessments, so I started thinking about the end of school party. I recently found some ice cream cones tucked away from a previous project, sooooo I thought I would give ice cream cone cupcakes from Betty Crocker a try! Everybody knows you just can't go wrong with Betty!


  1. Hi Little Miss Kindergarten! Yummy ice cream cupcake cones! What a fabulous treat! Thanks for coming to visit us over at Centers and Circle Time! So I was in the neighborhood and stopped by to see you too:) Your site is gorgeous and your blog is too! Thanks for all the great info. I look forward to catching up with you on FB and twitter too! We have lots to share...see you soon.

  2. I love making these and plan to make them for my son next month for his birthday party. Everytime I stop by your site, I never want to leave. It is just too cute!

    Teaching Blog Addict

  3. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I made these cupcakes for my youngest daughter's birthday this year. They turned out great. I melted chocolate and poured a little bit over the tops of the iced cupcakes, then put a cherry and sprinkles on top - ice cream cone sundaes. They were a hit!

  4. I just bought Rainbow cake mix today! I think it's a sign....hehe! Now I just have to figure out when the end of year party is! :-)

  5. I just bought mine too and let's hope it all works out!
