Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Power Of Words!

If you have followed this blog from the beginning you know I hurt my knee while filming our Cinco de Mayo program. I finally had the knee fixed today... And if you know me, you know how I dreaded the arival of this day. I am a caretaker by nature and uncomfortable with being taken care of. And my worst fear has always been "going under." Which brings me to, the power of words... The spoken and written word or words can be powerful.
I love you
I believe in you
You can do it
You can count on me
We can do this together
Just do it
You are tough
I will take care of it
I got this
And so on...
These words come to mind in those wonderful "self reflection moments." Powerful messages of faith and encouragement leave lasting impressions and sometimes we rely on them in our weakest moments. Sometimes just knowing someone thinks we can "do it" makes us believe we can even when we really did not believe that before.
As I walk into the next school year, I will remember...the power of words!


  1. I hope you have a super quick recovery!! Take care!

    Primary Connections

  2. Hope you are one the road to recovery.

    You are absolutely right...words can change everything.

  3. It is worth having your knee taken care of in the end. I understand not wanting to be "taken care" of. It is worth it all in the long run! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery. :0)

  4. I can totally relate. I had two knee surgeries in the past year, and I know how hard it is to be incapacitated and taken care of. :) I hope you feel better soon! You're in my prayers!!!


  5. I hope you get better very soon! It is so hard for me to be taken care of as well, but the people that love you want to help! :)
