Sunday, July 10, 2011


What is the best way to glue this laminated poster to a thick presentation board? I want to make sure it can hold up to a lot of use because velcro pieces will be put on it and pieces will be on and off all year. What can you suggest?


  1. Mod Podge!!! That stuff is amazing! :)

  2. Rubber cement? :)

  3. Super 77 by 3M is a spray adhesive like no other. You can get it at a hardware store. I'm going to redo my clipboards with it this year!
    Lessons Learned

  4. The spray is much stronger than a regular spray adhesive. It will definitely hold. Artists use it. I would use it outside or in a well ventilated area. I don't think you can really pick it back up and reposition it. Once it's down it's down. Just take your time with it.

  5. You can take it to a craft store or frame shop and have it dry-mounted. It will be really smooth and very durable. I don't think it's very expensive, and it doesn't take a long time.
