Thursday, August 18, 2011


Never needed a bell before but after seeing this I just had to have one!


  1. I love my whisper bell!! Although I usually hit it a lot harder...hahah let's out a little stress!

  2. We are into day 3 and I have QUITE a talkative kinderpond...going to make me a whisper bell over the weekend! LOVE IT

  3. Umm..LOVE this guy! I already have a bell in my classroom, but it's not as cute as yours. You can bet it will be before school starts in a couple weeks!! ;) I love your blog. I'm hoping to get one of my own started this school year.

  4. soooo YOU MADE YOURS? I am assuming letters made with Cricut (or something comparable) Did you buy the bell red? If yes? Where! I love it! I have less than 2 weeks to get one and make it cute!

  5. I found a blinged out bell at Pier One last year. It has pretty green rhinestones glued around it. I actually haven't used it as of yet. I really want some type of chimes... but the closest I have at home is a tambourine... Not sure about using it!

  6. I love teacher tipster and the idea of a whisper bell! Im'm afraid ive got a group of talkers this year (we've only been in school 3 "honeymoon" for me). Where'd you find the red bell?
    How about them apples?

  7. I have that apple bell!! I am totally turning it into a cool whisper bell. Thanks for the idea!
