Friday, September 2, 2011

Germs Again!

I wanted to share this information from a reader, Ms. Jodie
"I did a fun germ lesson with my class yesterday. Everyone got either a pink or a yellow paint dot on their hand and two kids got a blue dot. I let them shake their friends hands and after a 2 minutes I had them stop and make a hand print on the paper. They then went to wash their hands. We looked at the prints and I told them the blue signifies germs. 16 of 17 kids had blue on their hand print. Then I had them look at their hands. A few kids said that they still had some blue on their hands. We talked about how this means they were not washing their hands well enough and they could have germs left on their hands : ). They all seemed to get it and they were all scrubbing away today! I would love to hear about how you did your glitter activity!"


1 comment:

  1. I just love the germ posts. Big kids have problems with that or not washing their hands at all. Yuck! I just wanted you to know that I love reading about all the things you do with your kinders. I have listed your blog in my ten blogs.

    Thanks for all that you do and all that you share.


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