Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Full Is Your Bucket?

I have been hesitating about doing this activity due to the looming class size dilemma. I am not positive that this is actually my entire class that I have now and I am certain things will change in the near future. I have had a difficult time kind of holding back and not bonding like I normally would because I wanted to make sure that everyone was actually present for a "team building" activity. During the day on Friday we had one of those teachable moments and I had to pull out my new favorite book because it could wait no longer.
How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids

I made sure the children knew that  I would probably be reading it again. As we read we learned about how to fill a bucket and how to spill a bucket. We decided as a team we would work towards filling a class bucket together. Once our class bucket is full, we will all celebrate in some small way. We realized it would take all of us to accomplish this goal. As I ended the discussion (and finally felt like I got this off my chest) I asked who was "IN" and as we placed one hand on top of each other, squeezing and laughing to fit each of our hands in I realized I was finally "IN" too...

1 comment:

  1. I hope your class situation gets "fixed" soon. I love this book too.
