Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Setting Up Science

Earlier this month I posted about starting the Steve Spangler Splash of Color Kit. I was super excited to be able to start this today as part of our My Five Senses Unit and Scientists and Their Tools. I love this kit because it easily incorporates both. I spent a lot of time talking to the children about my expectations and the use of tools to aid in investigations. I was anticipating color here, color there and a little color everywhere! I have to say not one misused drop. 
I love this kit because the tools used for color exploration are real tools and the children clearly respected that and were ready for some serious color work. I set up the science exploration today but this will go in my science center and they will be responsible for setting it up themselves soon. 
Each group enjoyed watching the colored tablet dissolve and it was the perfect opportunity to clear up the misconception children have about melting and dissolving. 
Mouse Paint
My kit suggested to begin the Engagement phase with reading the old favorite Mouse Paint. I was surprised that many children did not know how to create secondary colors when we were discussing the book. 
This sample clearly demonstrates that sometimes it takes multiple times to prove what you are thinking...even to yourself! The Splash of Color Kit from Steve Spangler gives wonderful ideas and suggestions and the lessons are based on Appropriate Early Childhood practices. I hope you join me this year as we highlight Science in the Kindergarten Classroom. As we work through this kit we will post our discoveries. In the meantime, check out this book! 
A Day With No Crayons
Who even wants to have a day like that? 


  1. Great post. I hope to use my kit soon! I love the video. Great activity.

  2. I love this! I will have to check out Steve Spangler science kits this year for sure - especially since I'm really trying to foster science learning and encouraging my kiddles to be little scientists! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Kindergarten Katy
