Sunday, October 30, 2011

Are You Flipping?

Are you flipping or flipping out? 

Join me to find ways to flip your classroom! 

Right now you can sign up and get a discount to the expo! This expo is presented by four of my favorite teacher bloggers that have shaped my teaching this year and these four teachers provided me with a full summer of inspiration and motivation through their mentoring and blogging. 

If you register now you will get the pre registration discounted price! But what is more exciting than that is the expo GOODIE BAG that is filled with goodies you can take back to your classroom and use right away. This expo is filled with topics that will transform your way of thinking and help you flip your classroom to benefit you and your students! The expo topics include:
Buckets of Fun: Creative Teaching Tips to Splash Excitement into Your School Day

Organizing for Effectiveness

Surviving Response to Intervention (RTI)

Beyond Flipping Cards... Creating a Classroom of Independent Learners

These are some of the most critical components to meeting the needs of the children in your classroom! 
The best part is... You attend the expo events from home - no travel required! You can watch a video of our speakers and view their presentation on any number of devices - your computer, your iPad and even your phone! Even your phone? Well, how fabulous is that? With each unique Expo, you get access to our phenomenal speakers. That means direct access to their presentation, ideas and you have a link to ask questions on their websites. Right away you can apply or dig deeper about what you learn. You attend when it's convenient for you! 

I hope you join me and my teaching friends for the November 12th Expo! You may get your pre registration tickets HERE. And I hope to hear your fabulous ideas, tips and tricks that you have learned about how to flip your classroom instead of... flipping out! 

Your friend in teaching and learning, 

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