Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Learning About Plants!

This Science Team was working together and helping each other complete the mini greenhouse project. 
What a team... helping each other and taking turns and following along step by step. I am sure glad they are growing tomatoes because it looks like a nice crop might just come out of this mini greenhouse. 
When we opened the seed package we noticed how small our seeds were. We also noticed each group had different seeds. 
We needed a closer look so we wondered what a Scientist would do, so we got out our tools and investigated different seeds. 
And some of us had to use our senses to investigate because that is what a Scientist would do...maybe not exactly like that but sometimes you just have to! 
And if just for one moment the room was silent and we looked deep into the soil and hoped beyond all hopes that something would grow

The mini greenhouses you have seen here were purchased at Wal Mart and are made by Miracle Grow! 

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