Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Best Of The Best!

I am linking up with TBA for the Best of the Best or most popular blog post. I have already shared the most popular post on my science blog which was on glitter germs. I was kind of surprised to see that a post on Binder Easels was the post that came in second place. Each time I read the title of that post, I always thought it was about dice!
Binder easels are simple. You take an old binder and open it up. You glue ribbon on the front and back of the binder to hold the easel shape. You can insert sheet protectors to protect the pages. I use a couple of binder easels in my classroom. The binder easel above is on a shelf by the front door and serves as a visual to the class when they walk in and reminds them what they need to do.

My second binder easel is used in my calendar area. We use this one to keep our monthly calendar chants. This addition to my routine has been very popular this year. You can find my calendar chants packet at my store by clicking on the picture above. Since the calendar chant routine was so popular this year I decided to add monthly poems to the routine which the class really enjoyed. Next year these chants and poems are going in my calendar notebooks for independent reading and added to my book boxes. I really never thought that the class would like these as much as they did. Binder easels can be used for so many different things and I guess that is why they made the popular post list. If you try them I think you might get hooked like me. Be sure and click on the weather poem to grab your free copy.  

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