Saturday, May 12, 2012

Alphabet Songs FREE!

Hello Kinder Friends,
I am so excited to share this with you. Over the last year of blogging I have come across some amazing videos on YouTube. I have been super excited to use these in my classroom BUT my district restricts anything from YouTube. As one of my summer projects, I was going to learn how to save these videos and figure out a way to use them in my classroom. I got an email from Mrs. Stanford today and I went to her blog. I found this information on her blog. It's like finding Kindergarten gold, I swear. When I first discovered these Alphabet Songs, I was hooked and knew I wanted all of these for my classroom.

Ok friends, this is the most exciting part... Have Fun Teaching is having a giveaway. It's a great giveaway. It's a giveaway where everyone wins...especially this kids because you win. If you blog about these fantastic Alphabet Songs, you will be able to get these amazing resources for your classroom for...ready for this?
Did I just say that? Yep, I sure did.
For all the fantastic details just click here!

OM~gosh, I have to run so I can start having ALPHABET FUN!


  1. Thanks for visiting! And super duper thanks for the shout out! Hope your students have as much fun as my students are with these videos!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I'll be doing my own mini preschool with my son this summer and these will be wonderful for him.

    Little Treasures

  3. Thanks for your totally RAD blog post on the Alphabet Songs by HFT! Teachers and parents, be sure to check out the Alphabet Videos by Have Fun Teaching! Your kids will have SO MUCH FUN learning the Alphabet and Phonics!

  4. Wow! I would love these songs too. Thank you for sharing:)

    -Lidia R. Barbosa
