Monday, June 18, 2012


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Hello Kinder Friends,

I just wanted to share this with you. I was nominated for one of the most fascinating Kinder Teacher Blogs. The best part is that it is for my Science Blog, that is near and dear to my heart. This is the place that I was able to share my true love of Science in the Kindergarten classroom.

Here is the post that grabbed someones attention. This was posted on my Science Blog during Earth Day this past year.

Are you looking for an activity to do with children that will provide some hands-on fun while you are having tons of Earth Day fun? I have the perfect project for you. Earth Day recycled hats are so much fun and a perfect way to show how we can use recycled materials to make something useful.
Overlay three or four sheets of newspaper on the table.
Place the paper on the head of your favorite Earth Day model.
Use masking tape to tape around the head.
Staple the pieces together.
Cut around the edges and fluff!
Admire your creation! Model and admire, admire and model.
Let the creativity begin!

The best part is that everyone can be dressed and ready for your Earth Day festivities and hats just make you feel so happy. And when Earth Day is over you have a super hat for your newly inspired Green Recycling Team!

Voting begins June 25th! Check back for details and thanks!


  1. Congratulations! I love both your blogs! Crossing my fingers for you and heading over to vote right now!
