Monday, June 25, 2012

Shut The Front Door!

Hey Friends,
You know it's Monday and sweet summertime. So what's a girl gonna do when the internet is down and everybody else has to work? Sometimes you just have to get crafty and that is exactly what I did. I have been so inspired by all of the wonderful posts and such creativity out there, that I had to get my hands into something this fun. Sometimes you have to switch gears and recharge your thinking. The inspiration for this hit me when I saw balloons on clearance at WalMart. I was able to get everything there. It's a pretty simple process...just pin and pin and pin. After the first ten pins I stepped back and looked at what I had done and started to second guess my rationale for getting crafty. I almost talked myself out of finishing. I just had to remind myself to enjoy the creative process and let it kind of take over and push away the worries. And sooner or later I had a finished product. And because it was a success I now want to make another!

In preparation for highlighting a few chapters of Playful Learning, I have been reading about the creative process and young children. I think this enabled me to just let go and enjoy the creative process of my project. Sometimes we are our own worst critics and our inner voice prevents us from moving forward and letting creativity move forward. I am excited to be able to share some of what I have learned as I have read this book. Please look for these posts in mid July. Also, there will be a giveaway as well from the author of the book!

I will be linking up! Hop on over for other great ideas and fun!


  1. Your wreath looks awesome!! I can't wait to start my summer fun this week. You have inspired me!

  2. Oh my word!!! That is the cutest wreath everrrrrr!!! So fun and colorful!!! Love the black and white too!!!!! Thanks for linking up:))) So cute!!!

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. This is precious. I love it.

  4. That looks so cute but I can imagine that it took quite a bit of time to pin them all.

  5. Oh my goodness I LOVE it!! I'm glad you didn't quit! It turned out fabulous!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  6. This is adorable!!! I may have to add this to my summer to-do list....LOVE it! I'm a new follower of your blog :)

  7. Seems like eveyone is creating really cute wreaths.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

  8. The wreath is absolutely adorable! I have definitely been known not to see a craft to the end because it doesn't look quite right at the beginning. It's definitely something I've been trying to get better at. Isn't it wonderful when you end up with something as cute as this project!

    Peace, Love, Pre-K
