Monday, July 9, 2012

Tattle Tale!

Hello Kinder Friends,
You know it is Monday and I have to link up for Made It Monday at Forth Grade Frolics! I have held on to this phone forever and ever. When another teacher wanted to throw it away, I just could not let it go. I have had good intentions in the past to revive this little tattle phone but I never got around to doing it. This year I have seen the famous tattle phone on Pinterest and I remembered my little tattle phone. With a can of black paint, a key chain, glitter and a metallic Sharpie it was magically transformed.

Although I have never tried anything like this in my class before I am willing to give it a try. I thought maybe it could help some of those tattle tales. I have made a recording sheet that the children can use with the Tattle Phone and if you would like to have a copy just click on the image and grab yours.

Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big


  1. Fabulous idea! I'll look for the book, too! Thanks for sharing this, Renee

  2. Thank you for sharing! Looks fun and helpful!

  3. What a wonderful idea. This will either cut down on the tattling or give them lots of practice with their writing, lol!
    Teachin' First
