Wednesday, August 1, 2012

If You Take A Mouse To School!

Hello Kinder Friends,
I am participating in the swap. Yep, the product swap from Mrs. Stanford's class. And I am swapping Kindergarten products with Sharing Kindergarten for this fun event. I was over the moon excited when I heard I was paired with Sharing Kindergarten for this event. I have been a follower of her blog for a while and I have learned so much from her posts. If you do not follow her blog now, take a look and follow along because you will not be sorry!  I was so excited when I saw that I got to preview the If You Take A Mouse To School! I love that book. I always read this book it at the beginning of every year. So I was excited to be able to have something to go right along with the book and ready to go before school starts.

This fun unit is based on the Laura Numeroff book, If You Take a Mouse to School. Since this is a beginning of the year book, I loved the simple activities that I know the children will be able to do at the beginning of the year. This fun download includes sequencing cards, writing activities, a reading comprehension game and answer key, a memory game and a sequence sheet. Here is the preview!

I really like the memory game because of the school tools vocabulary words that are used and I thought it was perfect for second language learners!

The game is perfect for small groups and I have to admit the mouse is so cute!

What I liked the most about this product was that it filled a need that I had for a literature based activity for the beginning of the year, the ease of preparation and most of all what I loved is that I have something to use in small groups right at the beginning of the year! And I thought it would go super cute with this...

To reach the Sharing Kindergarten store please click on the image below and take a look around. You won't be sorry. Go ahead and follow her and look at the fun things she has to offer!

Hop on over to Mrs. Stanford's to see what other teachers are swapping!

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