Thursday, October 4, 2012

Describing Properties

Hello Again,
I think I might be short on words today... Which would really be a shock if it were true. I feel like I have been speaking in code for a couple of weeks now. I can't seem to get the thought of descriptive language or sensory language out of my brain. I am starting to dream of ways to break this down into manageable chunks for Kindergarten children. The goal is to describe an object by its properties. I know it sounds easy. I know in print it looks easy. And I also know that every single person can describe and object by color. Year by year I get that. But what about the the other ways to describe an object? Sometimes for a Kindergarten student doing this independently can be challenging and doing this without prompting is difficult too. After several discussions and hands-on explorations with my class in Science, I decided to create this anchor chart after looking through my teaching notebook. I can see evidence that many of us actually can describe the properties of an object by its properties and looking at some of our thinking maps, I can see we use some really good descriptive language when prompted. Having a visual to refer to as we discuss and investigate might just help us get one step closer to reaching our goal and being independent. If you need a copy, just click on the image above and grab yours!

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