Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What Is Going On Sale!

Hey Kinder Friends,
Well you know I am going to say it. Who doesn't love a sale? When I heard about a big Teachers pay Teachers sale I knew I had to get ready because it is just that special. I stock up and I save and I always make a game plan. But don't forget to use the code TPT3 to get your additional savings above the 20% sales price.
So what has been going on? Well, we have been in a mad dash getting ready for Texas Public School Week. This year it comes a bit early so we really are working at a fast pace. This week we are working on landforms as we begin to talk about Texas.
This truly is one of my favorites from last year so I can't wait to do this one again. We use Pebble Go as a resource for landforms.
We are still Number Talking and I am excited to bring out two of my favorite books from last year to use while we are talking about landforms.
These are great books to use with Number Talking in the classroom. You can easily use a 1-10 counting book to talk about the different ways to see a number and use those discussions to include the recordings of number sentences. I am still on the hunt for more books to incorporate into our Social Studies unit on Texas and just maybe I will get lucky again.
And what we have coming up next is a little Puppy Palooza. I needed to shake things up a bit. And I need a little focus for my dramatic play area. Because this is a skill based print and run packet, I have been busy making homework and fast finisher packets out of this one.
And I have been going back to this file for some print and go work for a few students that need it. I love the ease of print and go because it gives me more time to devote to what is currently going on. And who doesn't like to have those print and run things on hand when you need it the most? Alright friends have fun at the sale and remember to use the code for additional savings! The sale starts Thursday and is ongoing through Friday. Have fun!

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