Saturday, June 21, 2014

Unfinished Business!

Hey Kinder Friends,
It is no secret hat I have been thinking about this list for a while now. And since it is now officially summer it seems right to finally put it in print. This list was inspired by a simple life event. It is funny how the little things in life seem to matter most especially when...looking back. Sometimes we take notice and most of the times we don't or maybe that is just me. If you have read this blog for a while you know a former student gave me a puppy this year. And that puppy changed a lot in my life. I had to slow down a bit... And I don't like anything to slow down...ever. But in those moments of slowness I had some time to really think. And I remembered that since I was five I had always wanted a puppy of my own. And to be totally honest, this experience has been so worth the wait. So naturally I started thinking about a few other things that I either wanted to recreate from my childhood or things I never had the chance to experience. So my looking back list became my summer bucket list. And I was going to carve out a little time to look back and live a little and worry about the looking ahead to do lists later. Although some of the things are super simple they are unfinished business from when I was a child...
1. Camp in a forest.
2. Catch a fish in the deep sea.
3. Ride a horse on the beach.
4. Ride a ferry.
5. Ride a train.
6. Go crabbing.
7. Kayak down a river.
8. Have a campfire on the beach.
9. Ride on a catamaran.
10. Learn to sail something...anything.
11. Roast marshmallows.
12. See a waterfall.
13. Restore and old boat.
Pretty simple. The only one I am really nervous about is the kayak but I will give it a try but until then...happy trails friends!

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