Monday, July 21, 2014

Texas "I Can" Statements!

The new Math TEKS for 2014-2015 have been added just in case you and your friends are getting a jump on things!
 I have taken some time for myself and have been busy working on my Summer Bucket List the Texas Edition... I have had the chance to travel around and see different parts of Texas this summer and checking off those bucket list items that I have always wanted to do. There is so much to love about this state and the natural beauty is something to treasure. While spending time in the car I have had lots of time to think about the coming year and make plans for the new school year and I remembered that I had these all ready to go last year. They saved my skin a few times because I was ready and prepared for any walk though by the "objective detectives" because they were up and posted for each lesson. It was a huge time saver because it was ready to go all year so it was one less thing I had to think about and I just loved that. But posted objectives also helped me to make sure that I was hitting the targets. And it also helped me to remember to restate the objectives more often than I would have. It served as a visual reminder for me. I used a daily schedule pocket chart that I bought at Mardel's when they were on sale. I love this pocket chart because it has lots of pockets to post multiple objectives. You could easily get away with a small pocket chart from Target...those little dollar ones if you didn't have to post every subject.
All I have to do now is decide what pocket chart I am going to put these in and print, cut and laminate and I will be ready for a year of posted objectives. And they are all there, every single cotton pickin' one of those objectives!
Language Arts
Social Studies
I have even made nifty little pockets for each subject that I can staple up on my objective board and hold each set of subject objectives so that I can dash in on Monday morning and find my current objectives and post them in a quick, fast minute before any "walk through" takes place! I am thrilled to not have to think or worry about having the current objective up when needed or typing them out one by one on lesson planning night! And with these little clip on stars, you can let those "objective detectives" know exactly where you are on each objective by clipping these right next to each standard. How fun is that?
These objectives fit perfectly in a scheduling pocket chart or two Target Dollar Spot pocket charts!
Got ya covered even if you have to tell the "objective detectives" just exactly "how" you will accomplish those goals too! Just type in the editable field and let them know how all this teaching magic is going to happen! So, if you are like me and you want to cross this off your list and you need more information just click on the picture!
Until next time! Click on the images above for more information!

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