Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meet The Teacher!

Hey Kinder Friends,
What a good day it was today to be able to spend it with new teachers! Just remembering my own first year and being able to share those feelings with other teachers really made me think about just how grateful I still am to be...a teacher. I am thankful to be able to still say I love my job and still can find the joy in it. But the nerves of the first day of school never seem to go away no matter if it is the first, first day of your teaching career or you are having the first day for the 15th time. I just can't believe it will be the 15th first day of school for me.
The other night I was thinking about Meet the Teacher night, that is fast approaching for me. I have been so preoccupied with trainings and presentations that I had given it little thought. I decided that I wanted to have something simple just in case parents and students drop by. I decided to give one of  my newsletters a try and see if I could make it work for Meet the Teacher. Before I even opened the newsletter to start typing, I was really struggling about what to write. When I opened the newsletter template, it just didn't seem so intimidating anymore. It looked manageable. I knew I wanted to say something about my teaching experience and I knew I wanted to share something personal. When I looked at the spaces provided, it seemed to help me focus because it needed to be short, to the point and sweet. Within about 15 minutes, I was ready to print. I was now feeling a little bit ready for Meet the Teacher, even if my room looks like it did the last day of school! My panic and twitch was starting to ease.  
I couldn't stop thinking that it was just too simple. It was just too easy to make me feel better about this upcoming day. I wondered if I should do something else because this came together way too easy for me. I decided that I wanted to set out a welcoming basket of apples. If the parents and kids sat down and ate the apples...great. And if not? I had some apples on hand for big deal. And as my mind wandered a little bit more, I came up with the rest of my plan. I am grabbing some framed pictures of me and my family and I am going to skip myself all the way to Kindergarten looking like I had this planned for days.
I even might have time to craft a wreath, write a first day of school letter and get my room ready for the first day of school.
If you need more information about creating your own newsletters, just click on the images above.
Wishing you nothing but the best this year!

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