Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Is For Apple...
Hey Kinder Friends,
Let's just call the first few weeks...busy to say the least. I mean really the beginning is almost a distant memory for sure. And things were moving right along and then all of the sudden boom Open House. I honestly found myself a little frantic as the day approached. I had nothing to display and really nothing I could pull off with a very large class. We had been reading a lot of books about names and working hard to learn how to write names so somewhere in the middle of creating nameplates for each student and adding names to every book box and locker this idea just came to be.
Honestly, I love just about anything you can print and run with because time is so precious during the school year. I created these printable templates for this apple craft so that I would have something to use as we work on writing names and also use to hang in the hallway for Open House. I ended up just loving these because of their simplicity to prepare and pull off for a fast and fun Open House project.
 I used the colored card stock I had on hand so there really was no rhyme or reason or even pattern to the colors but somehow that just came together for me this time. I decided that for this project I would cut the apple pieces because I wanted them to focus on their name and I had to get this project accomplished with 27 kids in one morning session and hung up even before the glue was dry.
When all was said and done and I turned to leave for the day, I looked back and saw the apples all hanging in a row it just looked like...Kindergarten. And I got so excited that I went home and made the templates for a P is for pumpkin craft. So, if you find yourself in a bind for a little apple or pumpkin craft and need more information just click on the images above!


  1. Looking at the child's name I am wondering if that is a font you use or is that is that a site you printed the name from. Love that is shows the direction to move.

  2. Where did u get the font that shows the direction to move? I was wondering if its available in d'nealian?

  3. I know it is available I just do not know where you can find it in that style.
