Friday, January 23, 2015

Five For Friday!

Hey Kinder Friends,
Five for Friday is great especially on a week when your documentation of the week has been a little sketchy. I mean if it could go wrong with simple technology, it just did. Although I have carried cute bags of cameras, cords, back up cameras and a cell phone, it is still...just a bit sketchy. This linky party is just perfect for me and I fit right in because I am a little random at this point, so I thought what the heck, let's give it a go!

We started off the week with talking about the colors of us. We had a lot of good conversation when we got out the multicultural crayons and tried to find the color of each of us. This was the activity that really opened our eyes and helped us understand that it isn't and white. We are all really shades of the same color.
If you have some multicultural crayons and want to give this a try, just click here and get yours free! It goes perfect with one of my favorite books!
So, during the week we were able to do a little 100th day planning. And for the first time I will admit I am a little excited about it. Let's just be honest, this time we are celebrating that we actually have a darn good...plan. Yes, I just said that as if we didn't have a plan all those years just might have been a little half baked. So, if you have a half baked plan and need a little help, just click on the image above.
So, if you know me you know I love Science. And if you know me well, you know our Science time has been cut dramatically this year. And if you are close to me, you know I always have a little Science project going on. Late at night I have been working on this. I am so excited about Science this coming week leading up to Groundhogs Day. We are going to track some weather, research, write and report the weather. If you need a little inspiration just click on the image above.
We ended the week with a little MLK project. We worked on this on and off all week. And just to complete it was wonderful enough but in the middle of all of this, I had a moment in my classroom that I had waited on all year. Some years this moment comes as early as October and this year the moment came as late as the end of January... That moment when you see and hear and feel the sense of community in your classroom. Not just a few kids...all. All of us the same time working in harmony with a common goal. I live for that one single moment every single year. I got it today. I left feeling complete. I left feeling right with the world. My world. I snapped this picture as I was leaving to capture this moment of the year. It's not about a perfect project or picture. It's about our struggles to get to this moment and remembering the conversations and moments we shared to get to our moment.

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