Friday, May 8, 2015

Mother's Day!

Hey Kinder Friends,
It has been a great week. I can honestly say that talking all things mom was a nice change. I will admit that I searched high and low and didn't come up with many great books for such a special day but I did find a couple.
We started off reading The Night Before Mother's Day and the kids wanted to know what we would be making for our moms. I had a few simple ideas and we looked at all of them. I thought we might be able to accomplish a few within a busy week. I think we might have accomplished them all!  
 One of my favorite activities this week was talking again about descriptive words and creating a list to describe our moms. We used the list with a template and decorated it up for mom. And considering that was so darn simple it just made us want to do more!
We tried out a few versions of hand prints because every mom loves those and we settled on this version. And that didn't take long either so we just kept going.
 We ended the week with letters to mom. I was busy in the back of the room while the kids were writing their letters. As they finished they brought them to me to stuff in envelopes. I really had a teacher moment as I read through the letters. Not only were the letters heartfelt but they included so many of the teaching points of the week within them. I guess there are times it just all comes together and this was that moment in my class. I think each mom will treasure those letters for a lifetime. As we wrapped up the week we painted the pictures at the top of this post and added our torn paper pieces. Once dried we sent them off for laminating. And when we put it all in our decorated envelopes we were ready to send them home!

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