Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Must Have Monday!

Hey Kinder friends,
You know I am going to say it...better late than never. So here I go linking up with my friends at Freebielicious for Must Have Monday...on Tuesday. The truth is that I am obsessed with changing a lot in my classroom this year. Every once in a while you have to shake things up and do things a little different. Once I finally made the decision to make the change I have found myself obsessed with every little detail. Must Have Monday has given me a little late night minute to think of the supplies I need to add to my ever growing shopping and to do list.

On the tip top of my "must have" list are two things. First, I want every single color of these Sharpie Flip Chart markers. I need them and I want them and I want them bad. It does not matter how or why they do not bleed through the chart paper, it's just enough to know they don't that makes me want them even more. And go ahead and add to the list a case of black, fresh, fantastic old school Sharpies.
Second on my list but quite honestly should be first...Sit Spots! Oh my, I love these things. I will never teach again without them. For 14 years I taught Kindergarten and never used a rug, carpet squares, tape or anything for the kids to have a "spot" on the floor. Honestly I never once needed anything until...last year. One friend changed all of that for me. In 14 years I have never talked about "a spot" more than I did until last year. I met my match! I had no choice but to find something to change this situation and quick. I spent a lot of time looking at all of my options to create a "spot" without making it seem like punishment. I finally decided on trying Sit Spots after talking to a teacher friend of mine. She swore by them. I ordered a class set of red, yellow, blue and green to match our table colors. The spots on the carpet were mixed up and no names were written on them. The system was pretty simple. If you sit at the red table you find a red and so on. In just one use my problem was solved because we all had a "spot" that was clearly defined. I loved using them without names on them because although they had to sit on a particular color they could chose which spot to sit on and it could be slightly different each day as long as it was their table color. I was worried that these would come off the floor or wouldn't stay put but mine were perfectly fine all year. It didn't take me long to make my second order.
I am trying to figure out which ones I am ordering for the coming year. I love the shapes. Heck, I love them all. Before I order my new set I am trying to figure out what other problems can be solved by using Sit Spots! What are your "must haves" for the year? Hop on over and link up with me at Freebielicious!


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