Saturday, October 3, 2015

Flashlight Friday!

Hey Kinder Friends,
We finally made it to the end of the week and it sure was a week filled with a lot of learning and laughter. To say I am a little bit giddy with a newly installed piece of technology is probably and understatement. We have used it for so many things this week that I finally noticed just how dark my room is when the lights are not on. It had me thinking...What about Flashlight Friday? It sure has been a while since I have had flashlight Friday. I mentioned it to the kids when I pulled out a bag of flashlights by mistake the other day. Considering they knew how dark the room could be they had a lot of questions about how that would work and how they would not be scared in the dark. And what I love about my class the most is that they suggested we make an anchor chart! Yep, you read that right.
And I have a class that just loves to edit and revise what we have written until it is just right. So we write, practice and revise every single anchor chart...every single time. Eventually we will have it written just the way we want it. And trust me nobody is short on suggestions! This truly reflects a shared pen experience and I have to say I love it. 
When I promised Flashlight Friday earlier in the week I had forgotten about our ipad time. Lucky for us it kind of fit right in to the theme so we turned off the lights and got to work. Even though the children had grouped themselves in clusters it was pretty quiet in the room and very calming. 
We moved on to practice some sight words which was a big hit on the big screen. You know practice makes progress! 
We ended our Flashlight Friday with flashlight reading. And it was a hit according to the kids. We already are talking about what else we can do for our next Flashlight Friday and I am kind of excited too! 
Now is the perfect time to fins flashlights at a good price in the Halloween section. These were found at WalMart years ago and have lasted about four years. They were a dollar a piece and worth the money since we use them for science too. I have a flashlight for each pair of students because Flashlight Friday is buddy reading for us and everything is just better shared with friends! 

1 comment:

  1. Flashlight Friday looks like a big hit. I am hoping for a technology upgrade on day.
