Saturday, February 6, 2016

Problem Solving!

Hey Kinder Friends,
We have been having tons of fun in math. This year it seems to be our favorite subject and that is ok with me. I have had more fun with it too. Although there are several things to love about my class this year and too many to even list there is one thing that I especially love.
My class is a class of problem solvers! Recently when I was working with a small group I noticed that the kids had found some new counting mats I had put in our BUILD boxes. I could hear a lot of chatter and see some scrambling around so I decided to check it out. The kids were searching around the room to find all of the black UNIFIX cubes and at some point they realized that we didn't have enough for all the counting mats. Someone suggested that they start looking for white cubes so that they could finish the counting mats.
One thing lead to another and this is what they came up with. Instead of just using counting mats for counting use them for story problem mats. I just love that they came up with this twist on their own. And I love that I have tons of counting mats I can use for this already on hand. I might need more counters and dry erase markers but I am ok with that. If you have a ton of UNIFIX cubes that are not being used have the kids bag them up and get them ready to go!

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