Monday, July 18, 2011

Target Treasures Oh My!

When you were last shopping at Target and you saw these cute lesson plan books were you wondering what you could use them for? I always do my lesson planning on the computer so I really did not need a lesson plan book even if it was for a dollar. BUT wouldn't these be great planning books? I had to go back and buy a few because I really LOVE planning things out. I thought these would be perfect for that because I have found that I am more likely do accomplish something if I plan it out and actually write it down. The best part is that it won't get mixed up with anything else because it visually looks like a teacher book. I am so excited that I might just have to run back for just one more... And when I am back at Target, I am on the hunt for these bulletin boards by Artskills which really is my new obsession since my Smart Cookie bulletin board I have found.

Every once in a while you just have to get super excited over something and this is it for me. Hey, for $2.50 it just can't be beat!


  1. The cookie jar is my favorite. Hope to get to Mardels this week and laminate it.

  2. I m secretly falling in love with the art one because I can just see that one in my head with the children's artwork around it.

  3. I'm so glad that everyone is enjoying the new products! Tell all of your friends so ArtSkills can continue to make teachers' lives easier, faster, better! I want to thank Little Miss Kindergarten for helping us spread the word!

  4. Have you figured how you to make it magnetic yet?? Maybe magnetic spray paint?? never used it before, so I don't know how it works!

    Miss Kindergarten
    Target Treasures

  5. I use the $1.00 planning book to keep track of which kids I meet with during small groups and what I did with them. This way I can see what we've been working on and keep track of how often I meet with each child. It was very helpful this year! Mrs. Wali
