Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We Teach!

Have you joined We Teach? Did you know it is open to all teachers and parents as a place to grow, share and learn? It is a great place to connect with your favorite bloggers and teacher friends about current topics and interesting discussions. One of my favorite parts of We Teach is all of the options for specialized groups like, We Teach Science, We Teach Reading and so many more. You can join as many groups as you like. Right now I am learning what other teachers are doing on the first day of school on We Teach Kindergarten and when I need to connect with my favorite TBA bloggers, I just go to the Teaching Blog Addict group! I am learning, sharing and growing and this will impact my classroom. I hope you join me and share in all learning experiences on We Teach!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the 'we teach' love, my friend--and know that we are incredibly lucky to have YOU at the helm of the we teach: kindergarten group!
    Thanks for sharing your expertise with us!
