Saturday, October 20, 2012

How Full Is Your Bucket?

Hello Kinder Friends,
We are moving right along and having a good time with our Classroom Community Bucket Filler! This is probably one of my favorite things in Kindergarten over the past few years. When I found the book How Full Is Your Bucket For Kids I knew I was going to give this a try.

I read the book several times last year as we were establishing our classroom community. Mt favorite addition on one of the readings was to add a visual element to the story as I read through the book.
The addition of the cups and water provided the children with a visual to help them see when buckets were filled and spilled throughout the story.

This year I was excited when a teacher friend let me borrow another bucket filling book. And I think this one is my new favorite!

In our classroom we fill a community bucket so actually we are working on a goal together. I find that this is much easier than having to keep up with filling buckets for each and every child in class. I wanted to be able to work on a goal as a team so that this activity could help us build a classroom community. I really like how we are all working towards something together and we learn that it takes each and every one of us to meet the goal so we learn to help and encourage each other as we fill our bucket. I have always started with a small bucket so that we could reach our first goal pretty quick. When we reach our goal as a class we decide how we will celebrate. We usually celebrate with a special activity.


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