Friday, October 19, 2012

I Love Apples And Always Will!

Hello Kinder Friends,
It's been a fast week and we have had a little fun. I was on the hunt for a few new apple books and this one is my new favorite. If you are an apple or dog lover you will want to get your hands on Apple Pie ABC. It was a perfect book to go along with some writing lessons we were working on several weeks ago.
Before we got down to some serious apple work we had to have a little apple sorting fun because as soon as I came to school with a big bag of apples everyone wanted a closer look.
 And then we got to work because it's...
 And we had some serious work to do...
Real serious work!
And just like that and into the pot it goes.
No recipe...just a wish and a hope and a prayer...
And boy was it good!
I just love apples what can I say? They remind me of childhood and kindergarten today, tomorrow and yesterday!


  1. What a great experience for them! That books looks really cute, will have to check that one out.


  2. That sure looks like fun with the apple peeler corer slicer! I need to ask a friend if I can borrow hers so we can try this in class!!!
    Heidi Butkus

  3. You should get one because the kids can help instead of watch and it is a safe tool. I just love it!
