Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Day of K...HOORAY!

Hey Kinder Friends,
We are getting closer to the first day...HOORAY! Can you believe that time passes this quickly? And during all of the whirlwind of back to school, I really started to worry about the first day. I was looking in my files and searching for something for first day of Kinder pictures. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for so I decided to make something small and easy to prepare.
Since I knew I would be reading this book on the first day of school, I wanted something that would go along with that. It is pretty simple to get ready. You just print, cut, laminate and cut. Just three simple pages. You can use it over your door or for a prop in first day pictures. I was able to find some bright colored tablecloths at Dollar Tree that I am planning on using as a backdrop with the banner hanging in the background. I pray I make it through 22 pictures! It's a Kinder tradition to have first day pictures! I hope you can use them too! If you need them just click on the image above.
Wishing you and your kids a wonderful first day...HOORAY!

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