Saturday, August 9, 2014

Highlight and Write!

Hey Kinder Friends,
Oh my, time is flying by... So much to do and so little time! I have spent a lot of time looking forward to the coming year and a little time looking back. One thing I remembered about last year was that a few of the children in my class really struggled with  proper letter formation. And this was very obvious when they started to emerge as independent writers. I spent quite a bit of time observing my class write and I did notice that when they were so involved in writing independently, their focus was on writing rather than letter formation as they worked. I knew this coming year I wanted to have more resources to have on hand so that I could conquer this problem once and for all. But what I wanted most was guided practice specifically for independent practice with the guided arrows. It was not easy to find. So I sat down and created my own. I wanted the children to have the opportunity to identify the letter and highlight the letter, trace the letter and write the letter.  And I wanted both uppercase and lowercase letters on separate pages. If I need to I can copy upper and lowercase front and back on the same page or print separately. Or I can print a few of these specifically for the children who need them and pop a few highlighters in a bag to send home. But most of all I was excited to have these on hand to put in a center at the beginning of the year! If you would like more information just click on the image above! 

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