Monday, December 22, 2014

It's A Wrap!

Merry Christmas Kinder Friends,
It is always kind of sad to wrap up the holidays in Kindergarten. Suddenly the walls and the hallways look a lot less festive. As I was putting things away before the break I was gathering things to send home with the kids and I realized that I didn't have anything to put their projects in to send home. Actually all of the projects looked kind of cute scattered on my desk. When I looked down at all of them I started thinking of the fun we had.
One of my favorite Christmas memories this year was inviting another class over for a class project. I was excited that they said they would come and read a few books with us and work on a little project. It was especially meaningful to have everyone sitting in the room with my class because I realized that we were all together for the first time in a long time. I started this year with a very large class and we ended up creating a new class. So, this was the first time we had all been together. During our time together I could see how much they had grown and changed since the beginning. I have to say 28 kids in August is much different than 28 kids in December! What a difference those days have made! We talked and laughed and all remembered how it all began.

As we wrapped up the festivities and fun I remembered an old favorite to get everything organized and put away. The envelopes you see above are large sheets of construction paper folded and stapled to make a pocket. Just about any project or craft can fit inside and it looks super cute with everything sticking out. It didn't take long to pull these together. And what I love the best is that it is made with stuff I always have on hand. These are super easy to pull off and can be jazzed up with just about anything and glitter. Best of all the idea can be modified for any occasion. And what Kinder kid doesn't look cute carrying one of these home for Christmas?
You even have a little space in those envelopes to send home some Christmas themed printables to keep them busy over the holidays!


  1. Love your folder idea - cute! So much cuter than stuffing everything into a grocery bag - which is usually what I end up doing when our mailboxes are full. I'm going to have to try that! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you! It was super easy and I loved the way it turned out. The kids looked super cute carrying them home!
