Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fourteen in 14!

Happy New Year Kinder Friends,
I am starting the year off right and taking a look back and linking up with some of my friends at Freebielicious for a fun fourteen in 14 linky party. This time of year it is always important to look back and reflect on the year and decide what you will focus on for the new year. It has been a fun year for me. for the first time in my working life I took a little time off and enjoyed myself. This year was all about reliving childhood memories, bucket lists and living some of those things you wish you could have when you were a kid. I had so much fun that I have to do it again this year...
Just so very thankful for the people in my life personally and professionally. Thankful for the opportunities that have come my way. Thankful for my health and happiness.
My goals always include organization and I will always be committed to that. It seems it is an ongoing theme that I struggle with. As I head into a new year I want to continue home organization and school organization. I have learned that it is better for me to take it in small chunks rather than scheduling large projects. First up this year... The closet, oh the dreaded closet. I am headed there soon and hope I come out alive.
I posted this on my home blog and I still use these today. I have learned that if I write things down I am much more likely to not only do it but finish it too! Click on the image above to get your copy complements of Ginger Snaps!
One of my favorite organizing attempts this year has been drainer. I had seen this idea for years but I didn't really know how I would actually use it. What I love about it is that it holds my color coded clipboards. The clipboards are my student lists, checklist and assessment recording forms. And I have tamed the clipboards too. I have just one specific, targeted assessment on each clipboard and I do not file it into a binder until it is all complete and then I move on to the next item to assess. The binders hold the checklists, monitoring notes, recording forms until I have to enter the information in for report cards. The binders that are in the dish drainer pictured above hold materials for small groups and RTI. I change out what is inside the dish drainer as I complete the tasks. This has helped to keep me focused on exactly what we are working on.
This year has been filled with dusty dirt roads and traveling through Texas. I have had more summer sunshine picnics than I could have imagined.
 But one of the best memories for me personally was when I was given a kayak this year. On a whim, I decided I wanted to learn how to kayak. I mentioned it to my husband and it wasn't long before he took me out to get my own. And what I love about this memory the most is the fact that without thinking it was crazy or silly he just did it. And before I could really change my mind, we were out on the water and I swear we have never looked back!

This is one of my favorite photos because it reminds me of the trip we took to The Cabin in the Woods. It was just a small weekend getaway but at the perfect time in the year when we had been so busy. It was nice to get away and just spend time talking, laughing and shopping.

My favorite accomplishment this year has been more personal rather than professional. Like I said before, I took a little time for myself this year and focused on living a little. And looking back it has been the best decision to focus on family for a while. And looking back I have a ton of memories that will live within me forever...
My favorite blog post this year was on my home blog and probably because it was about a favorite memory of the year when we went to Wimberly Texas for a fun weekend. You can read about that little getaway HERE.
I have lived by this for a year...such common sense. When setting goals I go right down the list. To read all about it click HERE.
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Any techy, bloggy, teacher would love this and I sure do! Now I can take my work anywhere and maybe have a little fun too!
Oh my...what is not to love? I never had a need to try these little gems but this was the year for it. I promise, we will get back to this one...
What Texas girl doesn't love Texas Roadhouse?
I really have no favorite. I can't really commit to a series. I am more of a reality TV, DIY, HGTV and Food Network junkie. It is probably on and I might be listening...sort of. I am more of a computer girl anyway and besides I have seen every single episode of Forensic Files...
I never watch movies. I swear that is way too much of a commitment for me. I don't like to be quiet that long or sit still that long either. But this Christmas I managed to watch for the first time...
Miracle on 34th Street.
Hands down...if you know me at all you know this is my all time, once a year favorite. I love it to pieces. And when I open the box to get it out each year I know Christmas is coming.

And I just might have scored one of these to go with it! What is better than a coordinating teacher bag? I swear...nothing just nothing.
Found at This one speaks to me right now...
So, what are your 14? Head on over and link up!
Happy New Year!

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