Hey Kinder Friends,
Last year I had the best time in our Math Workshop. It was our favorite part of the day. As I was thinking about the Math Workshop for the coming year I couldn't help but think of my last sweet class. It is kind of hard to imagine math without thinking of them. So this summer I really wanted to work hard to make sure I had another year of happy math kids. I was lucky my kids always requested...more. I spent a good amount of time last year rushing home and creating another printable for a special kid request. I wanted to have more than enough on hand to eliminate rushing home to create for the next day and maybe rushing home to chart a few miles on an exercise bike...
Last year I had the best time in our Math Workshop. It was our favorite part of the day. As I was thinking about the Math Workshop for the coming year I couldn't help but think of my last sweet class. It is kind of hard to imagine math without thinking of them. So this summer I really wanted to work hard to make sure I had another year of happy math kids. I was lucky my kids always requested...more. I spent a good amount of time last year rushing home and creating another printable for a special kid request. I wanted to have more than enough on hand to eliminate rushing home to create for the next day and maybe rushing home to chart a few miles on an exercise bike...
I swear I am not thinking about a graph or chart until school starts...seriously. But now you know why I am literally giddy. I am giddy with excitement because I don't have to hunt to find what I am looking for and have it tucked into a neat not so little file just ready for school. But I have to tell you about the books I am going to use this with. I found these books on Amazon and in my library last year.
You will be glad I told you about these books now. It might take a little hunting to get this one. But I swear it is worth it in so many ways. On the last week of school me and my TBFF literally packed these away in the most awkward of places so that when we unpack our rooms, we find them first.
I am super excited to start the year with pie graphs to five and comparing numbers. Somehow I just know these will be a favorite and maybe my kids will request a few more.
Because of my class last year I fell in love with tallies. I swore I never would but I can't really hide it anymore so I will run with it. You know they really are not so bad. And did we have fun in our math discussions sharing our data collection, yep we sure did. Actually we liked working with graphs but talking about them sure was lively.
We ended our year last year with create-a-graph pictographs. The kids were so excited if they new it was a create-a-graph day. We got out our construction paper, printables, scissors and glue and we went to town. Creating large quantity graphs independently. And let me tell you if they requested a special one I went home and made it real fast. I know you are wondering so let me tell you why. The kids were so engaged and busy it was worth it. And I was at a back table assessing for report cards without an interruption. That alone could make me giddy...total independence. And they were always so excited to discuss their graphs when the Math Workshop was over.
So many graphs...so little time. Now all I have to worry about is actually finding these books where I hid them!
If you need to get giddy about graphs just click on the link in the post above.

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