Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Treats for Our Sweets


Happy Halloween Friends,
I have teamed up with some of my favorite blogging buddies for some special Trick or Treat fun for you! If you follow the links you will discover your Trick or Treat goodies at each blog! Now that is some of the easiest Trick or Treating fun ever. So after the kids are all snug in bed you can have some Trick or Treat fun yourself!

If you are interested in grabbing your freebie I have posted above, just click on the picture and grab it. And when you are finished here just click on the blog button listed below to go to the next blog and grab your freebies along the way. Sounds like fun!
And just in case you are wondering what we are going to do with this in class...
We are using this printable after our health and safety discussions.
Here are our objectives-
The student recognizes that personal health decisions and behaviors affect health throughout life.
The student can identify and practice personal health habits that help individuals stay healthy such as a proper amount of sleep and clean hands, identify types of foods that help the body grow such as healthy breakfast foods and snacks, identify types of exercise and active play that are good for the body and identify the purpose of protective equipment such as a seat belt and a bicycle helmet.
Kinder Latino

Click on the blog button above for more Trick or Treat fun!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Picture Dictionary Fun!

Hello Kinder Friends,
Wow! We have been so busy and time is just flying by. As I was preparing my lesson plan several weeks ago, I was glancing through my objectives and deciding what my focus lessons would be. I came across this objective:
Reading/Vocabulary Development
 Students understand new vocabulary and use it correctly when reading and writing.
Students are expected to:
Identify and sort pictures of objects into conceptual categories and 
Use a picture dictionary to find words.
As I was searching through my available resources for these lessons I knew I had a few things to support sorting pictures into conceptual categories. In fact, the dictionaries that I have in my classroom are organized in conceptual categories instead of alphabetical order. I have searched for a long time to find affordable picture dictionaries to buy a class set and I have never been able to find what I really wanted. In the past, I would have loved to  have found something that I would be able to also send home with the children to use when they are writing at home. In my search I kept running into dead ends. Recently, I was fortunate to be able to find a teacher made product that fit my needs and I could hardly contain my excitement!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
 Words really just can't describe how excited I was. I felt like I had found hidden treasure. Finally, finally I had a picture dictionary I could afford for my entire class AND I could send one home AND I could print it in color or black and white! Just brilliant, wonder why I never thought of that? As soon as I grabbed those hot papers off my printer, I sent those little dictionaries to the copy room and in a flash I had a set of dictionaries for each child for home and school! All I had to do is download, print, copy, cut in half and staple. About 40 dictionaries took less than 20 minutes of preparation. And all I can say as it was time well spent.

As an introduction we spent a lot of time looking through our new dictionaries. As I walked around the room I could hear the children as they discovered pictures and words that were relevant in their lives and I knew would be relevant in their own writing. I just can't express how happy I was. And as the week progressed, I noticed that reading our picture dictionaries was a very popular choice for Read to Self and Read to Someone.

 I gathered the children together to discuss what they noticed about their new dictionaries. My first three responses were letters, pictures and words! BINGO! And then I asked if they found any words that they had been needing in their writing and they quickly came up with a list that we recorded together. I was able to jump right in and talk about how helpful a picture dictionary is as a writing tool.

  The dictionaries inspired some great stories and helped to generate some new ideas for writing. The addition of the dictionaries added a spark of excitement as the children planned for writing this week. As I was conferencing with the children, I could hear the children talking about what their next story would be about because they found the picture in the dictionary and they knew they could write the word! How exciting for a young writers and a teacher!

 I noticed a lot of emerging non fiction stories and I was so excited! The children had just discovered caterpillars in our garden and remembered that the word butterfly was in the picture dictionary and just like that a new story was born, a non fiction writer was discovered and the science teacher in me  was happy, just so happy. I can't wait to see how this story develops.

If you are looking for a picture dictionary for young children and are interested in this wonderful teacher made product please click on the dictionary pages above and this will take you to the Teachers pay Teachers store for A Teeny Tiny Teacher. You really can download this product and have it ready by Monday in a flash and you too will have some excited and energized writers that have a new writing tool in their hands and maybe a new writing tool to take home!  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

How Full Is Your Bucket?

Hello Kinder Friends,
We are moving right along and having a good time with our Classroom Community Bucket Filler! This is probably one of my favorite things in Kindergarten over the past few years. When I found the book How Full Is Your Bucket For Kids I knew I was going to give this a try.

I read the book several times last year as we were establishing our classroom community. Mt favorite addition on one of the readings was to add a visual element to the story as I read through the book.
The addition of the cups and water provided the children with a visual to help them see when buckets were filled and spilled throughout the story.

This year I was excited when a teacher friend let me borrow another bucket filling book. And I think this one is my new favorite!

In our classroom we fill a community bucket so actually we are working on a goal together. I find that this is much easier than having to keep up with filling buckets for each and every child in class. I wanted to be able to work on a goal as a team so that this activity could help us build a classroom community. I really like how we are all working towards something together and we learn that it takes each and every one of us to meet the goal so we learn to help and encourage each other as we fill our bucket. I have always started with a small bucket so that we could reach our first goal pretty quick. When we reach our goal as a class we decide how we will celebrate. We usually celebrate with a special activity.


Friday, October 19, 2012

I Love Apples And Always Will!

Hello Kinder Friends,
It's been a fast week and we have had a little fun. I was on the hunt for a few new apple books and this one is my new favorite. If you are an apple or dog lover you will want to get your hands on Apple Pie ABC. It was a perfect book to go along with some writing lessons we were working on several weeks ago.
Before we got down to some serious apple work we had to have a little apple sorting fun because as soon as I came to school with a big bag of apples everyone wanted a closer look.
 And then we got to work because it's...
 And we had some serious work to do...
Real serious work!
And just like that and into the pot it goes.
No recipe...just a wish and a hope and a prayer...
And boy was it good!
I just love apples what can I say? They remind me of childhood and kindergarten today, tomorrow and yesterday!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Eyes Have It!

Hey friends,
It has been busy, productive and fun! We have decided...the eyes have it! The eye pointers that is. I guess a teacher will do just about anything to help the Voice Print Match along and this one the kids came up with. Maybe a little creepy is good this time of year especially to help reinforce VPM. Sometimes it is the simple things in life that matter. The kids were very excited to get their hands on these and put them to good use!
 As you can imagine I had to have one too! I was kind of excited when I came to school one day and found this creepy eye on my desk. I am glad I was not left out of the fun on this one!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Just Free Fun!

Hey friends,
Just wanted to let you know that some great freebies have been posted to Freebielicious and I hope you go and grab them. These guys are dressed up and ready for a little Halloween fun! These would be perfect for take home bags or just as practice at school. Grab your FOUR Monster Mash freebies at Freebielicious today just click on the image above and get ready for a little Halloween fun!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Mouse Shapes Fun!

We probably had way too much fun with this but aren't they cute?
So, what is not to love about the characters in Mouse Shapes? I have to admit I can't stop thinking about them. I have added Shape Chants to my Mouse Shapes Fun packet so make sure your download includes those new additions. We have learned all the chants in a few days and sometimes they get stuck in our head! As I was looking for more things to go right along with our Mouse Shapes Fun, I came across some videos from Have Fun Teaching!
And we even had a little recording fun!

And just when I thought we were all done the kids just had to ask to make the cat!


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