Sunday, January 13, 2013

You Get What You Get!

Happy Weekend Kinder Friends,
You get what you get and you don't throw a fit! This has to be one of my all time favorite Kindergarten sayings because it just perfect for so many different situations. I will admit I had never heard of it before until one of my Kinder kids taught it to me last year. It seems that I must have been the only person alive who had never heard the saying before. I made a version of these for my classroom this year and when I heard the kids chanting this saying this week it made me want to go back to this file and add a little to it. 

As requested I have posted this item to my TeacherspayTeachers store. The download includes classroom posters printables and a reader for the saying You Get What You Get! Because you know at some point in the year you probably will find your self saying it too! 


Brenna said...

We used that phrase quite often in preschool, especially at snack and lunch. Students complain about what's for lunch and the portion sizes, and their friends would quickly remind them of this phrase. It can actually be effective.

Mrs. C said...

I think that is what is so funny... it actually DOES work! I love it!

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