Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School Sale!

Hey Kinder Friends,
Seriously, no time for panic. I swear I am not having any waves of that going on here. Maybe an eye twitch or two just thinking about the circus ring I am running around in. I swear I am calm. I swear I have "got this" all under control... I think I left my "to-do" list somewhere between here or there and I am not going back. Like I said previously, I have worked on school stuff all summer long. I have organized my life in fact. I pulled it all together in true ADD style and looking back, I will be glad that I did give up a large part of my summer doing it. And if you know my situation, you already know I had to wait to pick up my school keys. You know I have been to several, lots, a bunch well every one's classroom but my own...until today. I got a little dizzy when I opened the door. Hey, kids are coming in a ding-dang week and look at this place. This is seriously NO LAUGHING matter. So what in the world is a kinder girl to do?
Yeah, I did it. I called mom. When the going gets tough and things are going south, you gotta call your mom. And in good time she arrived with buckets, bags and bottles...bottles of Mr. Clean of course! We pushed and pulled and PURGED like a great episode of Clean Sweep. Six hours of deciding where 14 years of stuff goes or doesn't. Yep, we were making plans on the fly... You know all those plans you had in your head that you could never pull off... Just hand those ideas and wishes and half baked plans right on over to your mom and somehow she will manage to pull it all off, right? Yep, knew she could! And with all this hullabaloo what's a kinder girl gonna do to get the rest of the stuff ready for back to school?
 Girls, even mom knows it is time to call in Teachers pay Teachers to finish this Clean Sweep episode in grand style. Because we all know...NOBODY has time for more creating and making and all that stuff. It's time to TEACH so lets get to it. Mom said get on the computer and click away because we need to be ready for the very first day! So we clicked and we clacked and got it all in. Now we are sitting and waiting for the BIG sale to begin!
The sale starts soon and it starts late tonight!
So listen to MOM because she's always right!

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